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"The pace was perfect and everything was easy to understand. The way it was done in sections meant the questions could be asked and people didn’t have to wait till the end which I liked."

Jack Pond
Freelance Compositor
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Keying & Despill Masterclass

8 - 10.15 pm GMT
The session's aim is to give you the techniques we're using on feature films so that you can use them to push your work to a higher level.

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The Course – 2 hours

- Denoising
- Advanced despill methods
- Different keyers
- Advanced matte creation
- Advanced plate manipulation using expressions.

Q&A – 15 minutes

You can ask me anything in this time, from questions about what we covered in the session, to questions about working at ILM.


You'll have the lesson recording to watch back whenever you want to recap on anything we covered.
